
Showing posts from September, 2017

Should you join RAMSOC?

How to know if Ramsoc is the right club for you: Committing to joining a club at university can seem like a stressful task, especially if you don’t know if you will enjoy it. Answer this quiz to find out if you belong to our wonderful Rambling and Hiking Club! Which description do you fit best? A .      I love walking and am incredibly fit. I am also really great at making conversation, particularly at pubs. I am currently studying engineering. B .      I quite like walking and can make it up Portland Hill without dying. The pub isn’t really my thing but I’d love to make some new friends. I study some kind of science. C .      I hate walking, have no sense of direction, and have to lie down after a walk round the lake. I do love pubs but am much better at drinking alone and watching Netflix. I’m in Humanities, and have no understanding of basic scientific concepts. I have no interests. A Well, of course...