A little bit of rain doesn't stop us...

“Well, so that’s where all the lakes of the Lake District come from!” For most of our Ramsoc walks, we’re very lucky – this year we’ve had sunshine, blue skies, and mild weather. Charlotte’s October weekend were tales of lovely weather in Snowdonia. Unfortunately, our luck couldn’t last! With the remnants of Hurricane Abigail echoing on the minibus radio as we headed into the North, there was a sense of trepidation. For forecasted was rain, and lots of it. Not just a lot. Buckets worth. A little fall of rain, however, doesn’t stop us! After cosying up in the lovely YHA Hawkshead Courtyard and falling asleep to the sound of rain (we didn’t stop hearing it all weekend), we arose bright and early for a day of walking! I was one of the leaders and was being assessed, and we were climbing some of the Langdales – beautiful peaks in the centre of the Lake District. The climb wasn’t too arduous, yet with the clouds lapping at our boots, we knew we were getting high. Our assessment ...